Happy Holidays!

BPA-Free Awareness

BPA-Free Mean's more than quality. Being BPA-Free means you are protecting you & your family from one the many dangers of this world. BPA(Bisphenol-A) is a chemical found in most plastics and resins, and can cause fertility complications in both men and women, heart Complications, Damage to you internal organs, and Hypertension.

Learn More


2 in 1 Glass Oil Sprayer

This new addition wil be priced between $5-$8 dollars. SUPER AFFORDABLE!!


"You Look Good" Rug

This new addition wil be priced between $15-$20 Dollars. A STEAL!!


2 Tier Draining Dish Rack

This new addition will be priced between $19-$28 Dollars. HOLY COW!!

  • Men's Fertility

    BPA can interfere with the binding of Estrogen and Androgen receptors
    which disrupts the production of sex hormones in the testicles.
    • Protein; BPA can increase phosphorylation tyrosine residues on sperm
    proteins, which causes poor fertilization, and embryonic development.

  • Women's Fertility

    Extensive exposure to BPA can cause the following in women who are fertile
    • Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
    • In Vitro Fertilization

  • What is BPA?

    Bisphenol A; is a colorless solid that dissolves in most common organic solvents but has poor solubility in water.
    BPA is produced industrially through the condensation reaction of phenol
    and acetone, its commonly found in polycarbonate plastics, used for
    containers like Water Bottles and Epoxy resin.